
Class Evaluation 1. The things that I liked about this class was that I got to learn How to computer program. now I know more about my computer and I can use it to my advantage in accomplishing my goals. Also I liked that this class can help me be a bit motivated to pursue my dreams. While doing that We learn some basic necessities about what can help be more successful or how to be a better person to others and yourself. 2.  There was only one thing I didn't like about this class is that some things tend to be repetitive. We sometimes repeat the same thing over and over and over again. Sometimes with this repetitiveness it can get pretty boring at sometime but not all the time. 3.   I recommend that to change up schedule a bit to add a bit of fun because if things don't change and the plan stays the same then things tend to get boring. 4. I'm reading my life planning goals only 5 times each week and 5 min. a day. 5. Yes I am committed to being a CTR pers
Computer Software Applications in Education One Note One Note is a Place where someone can save all their articles, notes, and random thoughts so nothing disappears. Google Drives Google Drive is  Schoology Duolingo Quizlet
The Psychology of Winning Denis Waitley The 10 Qualities of a Total Winner Quality 1:   Positive Self-Expectancy  "Life is a self fulfilling prophecy. True winners go into every event expecting to win."               Positive Self-expectancy is when you have pure and simple optimism and real enthusiasm for everything you do. When things don't really go your way you are still enthusiastic about it and you always try to see the silver lining of things. When you win you don't even know that you won because you always think of success instead of winning. Quality 2:  Positive Self-Motivation  "True winners dig deep and find motivation inside themselves to get through that tough task or to learn a new skill."                    Positive self-motivation is when you have personal drive to achieve something and the desire to improve on your own self to be much better and greater than before. When you have self motivation you can do