10 Keys to Personal Power

Image result for 10 keys to personal power brian tracy

Key 1: Clarity
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life.  Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going.  If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."

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        To have clarity doesn't mean that you can see things better with your sight but it means that you can see things more clearly than they are already are. To have clarity can help you achieve or improve on your personal power as whole. For example If you don't understand something or you just say something very vague that isn't being clear or having clarity.

Key 2: Competence
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

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        To have competence means that you have the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. When you have competence you can begin or complete an assignment more better than you already have like a book report or an essay. Competence just doesn't have to be in school but it can also be in your daily routine as well. For example, when you go out and walk your dog but you want to be done as quick as possible. If you have competence then you'll be able to figure out the shortest way to walk your dog and getting  your dog their daily workout as well. When you don't have competence you'll then start to make decisions that either hurt your objective or slow down your process. For example, if you are cleaning the dishes and you don't have competence. Then, you'll either slowdown and finish the dishes late or you'll not do it it at all. To have competence is one of the key elements not just to be successful at school but be successful in your life around you as well.

Key 3: Concentration
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          To have concentration means that you are focused on your goal that you are planning or working on achieving with no distractions to stop you. When you are concentrated you are determined to achieve your goal with accurate results or improved results other if you weren't concentrating. If you aren't concentrated on what your goal then you won't have determination and if you don't have determination then you will not be able to complete your goal that you may want to accomplish. To have concentration is one of the key parts in unlocking who we really are and it unlocks our personal power on what we are really capable of. Without concentration we will be lost and won't find out what is our full potential is. When we concentrate we just don't concentrate on our work we concentrate on our personal power.

Key 4: Common Sense 

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               To have common sense is to have basic sense of judgement in practical matters. If you don't have common sense then you'll won't be able to solve or avoid the simple things in life like avoiding a hole in the ground. If you don't have common sense then you'll fall in that hole not knowing that the hole in the ground can hurt you. If you do have common sense then you'll dangerous looking hole and not have a chance to get hurt. To have common sense means that you'll be able to move up in the world and not struggle with simple tasks for example if your teacher gives an assignment to complete and the assignment is due that day. If you have common sense then you'll do the assignment and finish but, if you don't have common sense then you'll not do it and thus you'll be behind with the class. If you unlock common sense then you unlocked another personal power that will help be successful with not just with your life but also with your personal self too.

Key 5: Creativity 

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"Except the fact that every human being is a genius.  The hallmark of creativity is asking questions.  The people who are most creative ask the most questions."

            To have creativity means that you are able to imagine or create something that is very unique to your nature and be successful while your doing it. If you have creativity then you'll be successful in life and have personal power while your doing it. For example when your teacher tells you your going to start on a project and one of the key elements is creativity in every project. If you are not creative with your work then you'll not get a good grade on that project because you are not creative. Creativity is not just on your work but you can be creative as a person. If you are more creative with your personal self then people will start noticing you more and be willing to be your friends and build up your personal power as well.

Key 6: Consideration 
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      "The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.  Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."   
         To have consideration means to carefully think for a long period and soon enough you'll have that idea to be successful in your goal or your personal power. For example, if you aren't considerate of your time that you may have to accomplish a goal then you'll never be able to accomplish it due to time running out on you or mabey is another goal you wish to accomplish but can't. That's when consideration comes in, if you are more considerate of time then you'll get things more accomplished faster which will give your personal self a bit of a boost of confidence.

Key 7: Consistency 
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Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."

Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work.  Be the person that people can depend upon.  That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."

        To be consistent       

Key 8: Commitment 

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"No success is possible without commitment.  The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."

"Become totally absorbed in your work.  Be totally committed."

       To have commitment means that you are dedicated to a specific cause or activity that you will complete. If you have commitment then you'll finish your activity or goal much more quicker because you are dedicated to accomplishing the goal but you also have to be committed to others around you that you may have promised to do something for them or not, or mabey is something that both of you need to do. If you don't have commitment then you'll be the one person   

Key 9: Courage
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"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

         To have courage means that you are able to do something that frightens you the most. If you have the courage to do something that frightens then you'll be successful at the objective that you are currently or you are planning to complete. If you don't have the courage to face your fear then you'll never know what will happen if you faced your fear. For example, if your fear is in the way kg

Key 10: Confidence
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"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."

          To have confidence means that you can believe in your self and your own abilities to complete a goal or objective. If you don't have confidence then you won't be able to accomplish much on your own due to you not believing 


             Through out the 10 keys I've learned that there are several different steps to try and develop not just for your personal self but also to accomplish any further goals that I may have. For example, I need creativity to be able to imagine my goals in the future and use my creativity to express my goals in order for me to ever complete them in time. Which also leads up too my second example which is courage. If I don't have the courage to take a step forward then I'll be stranded in my goal. 


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