The Pyramid of Success

Block 1: Industriousness
"There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning."
To be industriousness means that you are diligent or hard-working person at your job and you are devoted to your work energetically. If you are industriousness then you'll be able to like your job or career and you'll have a mutual respect for it. Then you will be successful in what you are doing. If your not industriousness then you won't like
Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."
To have enthusiasm means that you are able to enjoy items at their fullest and not just items but friends too. If you are not enthusiastic then you won't be able to enjoy or accomplish most things in life. For example, if you are not enthusiastic then how will you be able to enjoy an accomplishment that you may just accomplished. You should always be enthusiastic about starting or finishing an objective or task. Being enthusiastic can help you become better friends with someone as well as accomplishing work. For example if someone is not as enthusiastic as another person then they will be more interested in the person who is more enthusiastic than the person who isn't. And that will affect you and your work as well until it starts snowballing down hill to make it worse.
Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."
Friendship is the bond between two or more people who care for each other. Without friendship you'll not go that far on your own, but with friendships you can grow together with other people with you're interest ans that will help you be more successful. To have friendships is a wonderful thing, you have friends there to help you along the way as well as to succeed with your friends as well.
Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."
Loyalty is the bond between a person or something that you are loyal too. To have loyalty is a sacred thing and once you lose the loyalty of someone its hard to get it back. To have loyalty is also great to have because then you have people who you can trust. If you have someones loyalty means that they'll trust you in your abilities and also that you trust them, thus creating a successful group that can accomplish both your goals. If you don't have loyalty then you won't be as successful as when you had someone else's loyalty which could've helped you in completing a goal they or you may have.
Block 5: Cooperation
"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. "
Cooperation is to work together with another person or group of people to achieve the same end. If you are cooperative then you will be able to succeed in your own goal or shared goal that you may have with someone else. To have cooperation also means that you can get along with others better than usual. If you don't have cooperation then you won't get things done more quickly as you want it too. The group won't be cooperating and will just be fighting or arguing with each other that is very unnecessary.
Block 6: Ambition
(For noble goals)
To have ambition means that you have a strong desire to do or achieve something while also requiring determination to do it. If you have ambition to complete your goal then you'll be able to complete your goal in your desired time or even much earlier if you feel very ambitious.
Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."
Self-Control is the ability to control one's self particularly one's emotions or action to do something. When you have self-control it means that you have the ability to control your self in different situation like in a stressful or angry situations. Those two were just examples of situations that you must have self-control but in reality there are many other situations that you must have self-control
Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."
Alertness is the quality of being alert which in this case you have to be alert towards your actions of success. If you are alert of your actions then you will be able to recognize the problems of what it is keeping you from succeeding. Alertness can help not only to succeed in work related problems but also in many other problems like relationship and personal problems. If you are alert of your problems then you'll be more successful in completing the problem. For example if you are doing a math problem and you are not alert on what the problem is telling you then you'll be lost. That why it is important to be alert of you're problems.
Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
Initiative is the ability to asses and initiate things independently. To have initiative means that you are willing to start and idea or something by your elf or with others. When you show initiative it usually means that you are able to work with others very well. If you start showing and acting that you have initiative then you'll be able to succeed in the following objective or goals that you may have or want to accomplish right now. If you show initiative then people will see you as more than the average person. It can show that you can do more than others can and that will be able to boost you up to being a successful person in life.
Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent."
Intentness is the ability to concentrates and be persistent on your goals or objectives. If you have intentness then you'll accomplish goals that you may have never would of accomplished in the fist place. And, when you do accomplish it you'll be one step ahead of everyone when you have intentness. If you don't have intentness then you'll not have the persistence to complete a goal you may have or you may want to accomplish someday.
Block 11: Sincerity
(keeps friends)
Sincerity is when you have the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, and hypocrisy.
Block 12: Adaptability
(to any situation)
Adaptability is the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions. If you have adaptability then you'll be able to work with your environment and with the people around. For example if you have been working on something for a while and something messes up or is blocking you to complete your work, then you'll have to adapt to it and work your way around it instead of going straight for it or just giving up. If you have adaptability then you'll accomplish things more quicker than you trying to solve the problem but instead you have to adapt to it.
Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."
Condition is the state of something, especially with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order. If you don't consider to see the condition of your and your work then you'll never reach success. To see the condition of one's self you have to look at not just your physical form but your work and your mental condition.
Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."
To have skill is the ability to do well good in something or have an expertise in it. If you have skill in the objective or goal that you are trying to complete then you'll be successful in the next time you get confronted with a similar goal or objective. If you have skills then you'll be able to gain even more skills to what you have currently. For example, if you had the skills to ice skate then you'll be able to roller blade because it contains the same set of skills to ice skate.
Block 15: Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."
Team spirit is feelings of camaraderie among the members of a group. This means that a group is able to work together in harmony in other words. When you have team work in your group then you'll be successful in any task your group may or may not confront but it is always good to be prepared. When you have team spirit it also means that you are a good sport in your team and not always trying to put others down. To have team spirit you must have a good attitude.
Block 16: Honesty
"Honesty is the best policy." (Ben Franklin)
Honesty is the ability to be honest to the people around you. When you are honest to people then most people will believe you in the things that you do. If you are not honest about the things that you do then people will think that your always lying them.
Block 17: Resourcefulness
"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it. (Jennifer Witterick)
To have resourcefulness means that you have the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. In other words, you can figure out a solution by using any resources at your disposal. If you have resourcefulness then you can solve problems faster than you think you can because when you use resourcefulness it means that you are also using ingenuity which means you think of solving problems by the resources that are given to you already.

Confidence is the ability of feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something. In other words it means that you are able to rely or trust someone or something. If you have confidence not just with others but with yourself then you'll be successful all the way. When you have confidence you'll be able to do things you think that you can't do and it will amaze you for it. When you don't have confidence then you won't know what you can accomplish because you don't have the confidence to do it.
Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."
Poise is graceful and bearing in a person. To have poise it means that you must have balance within your self and stay true with ourselves. If you start not being yourself and you lie to yourself then you'll not be successful because you won't even know what to trust within yourself.
Block 19: Confidence
"Thorough preparation breeds confidence" Gerald Bell in
"The Carolina Way"
Block 19: Confidence
"Thorough preparation breeds confidence" Gerald Bell in
"The Carolina Way"
Confidence is the ability of feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something. In other words it means that you are able to rely or trust someone or something. If you have confidence not just with others but with yourself then you'll be successful all the way. When you have confidence you'll be able to do things you think that you can't do and it will amaze you for it. When you don't have confidence then you won't know what you can accomplish because you don't have the confidence to do it.
Block 20: Reliability
(creates respect)
Reliability is the quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well. When you have the ability to be reliable then most people will think that you are a trustworthy person that they can trust with something or even someone. For example, your cousin may think that you are reliable enough to take care of your nephew for the next few hours that they are gone. Or someone asks you to take care of something/an object that they want you to take care of. What ever the person is trusting you with something or someone that means they think that you are a reliable person.
Block 21: Fight
(determined effort)
Fight is a violent confrontation or struggle but it just doesn't mean physical violence but it also means that you are determined to do something and you won't stop until it is done.
Block 22: Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
When you have competitive greatness it means that you're doing your best in a difficult task or objective. If you have competitive greatness then you'll be successful even when you lose or win. To have competitive doesn't just mean that you are determined in winning but it also means that you are a good sport when you lose or when things don't go your way. You don't complain how this should of happened or how this isn't fair but you accept it and you try again with a little more determination.
Block 23: Integrity
(purity of intention)
To have integrity is to have the quality of being honest and having strong moral principle
Block 24: Faith
Believe and Achieve. Positive belief.
Faith is the ability to have complete trust or confidence in someone or something. When you have faith it means that you have the confidence to accomplish your goal and there is nothing stopping you. When you have faith it also means that you can trust that person with something and you have the faith that they will complete the task you want them to complete. Having faith also means that you have a positive belief for someone or something meaning in other words is that you trust them. If you don't have faith then your fears will control your actions instead of of you who can control yourself.
Block 25: Patience
(good things take time)
Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. In other words, patience is the ability to not getting upset too easily and you are willing to wait for your success rather than trying to make it come faster towards you. When you have patience it means that you don't rush to your objective.
The 25 blocks of pyramid of success has taught me lots of things I didn't even know that you may have needed to be successful. For example some of them are patience, poise, self-control, intentness, and etc. The pyramid of success has helped me be a bit more outgoing and more out there. Basically it helped me come out of my shell a bit because it taught me ways that I can be success even when I want to be a introvert. There was a time I thought that there were only curtain ways that you can be successful but with the pyramid of success it helped open my eyes. I saw that there was many other ways I can be successful in and even ones that I already do. These 25 blocks opened my field of vision and exposed me to things I didn't like and things that I liked but that is the way we all need to be successful.We need to face our fears in order to be successful.
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